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Md. Saiful Alam


Plant Protection Wing, Department of Agricultural Extension

Ministry of Agriculture

Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Director, Plant Protection Wing responsible for this department. Designing an annual work planned to the cultivated areas for keeping safe from disease and pest infestation. Plant protection wing of DAE provides surveillance and forecasting for field crops as required quick action on pest infested areas for better pest management, providing technical advices and justified control measures to the farmer’s level through field level extension workers. Implementing & establishing integrated pest management (IPM) in farmer’s level for preserving environment. Providing registration
certificate and licenses for different types of agricultural pesticide (AP) and public health products (PHP) as well as its production & marketing. Ensuring quality production and distribution of pesticides for judicial use of pesticide in farmer’s level. Establishing linkage with international, national, non-Govt. and private origination for common issues and conceptions.

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